Friday, June 25, 2010

Giant World Cup Watch Parties at Crew Stadium

And the best part's free!!!

I couldn't believe this guys. This entire time, so far, the Columbus Crew Stadium has been the host of huge, free watch parties for all 2010 FIFA World Cup games. They're showing the games on giant TV screens, that are HD, of course. Be sure to wear your favorite soccer (better known as futbol) team's jersey, scarves, cat-in-the-hat hats and get rowdy about it.

Here's the website with the schedule after the jump. This would be a great place to watch the USA vs. Ghana game at 2:30 pm tomorrow, on Saturday, June 26. Admission, is free and parking, too.

See, there's plenty of cheap fun to be had in our city.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Why is Victorian Village Smelly?

This is a rant post. Sorry in advance.

I was running around Goodale Park the other day, with my dog. I usually park in somewhere in the Victorian Village like off of 2nd St. or Highland or Hunter, for example.
This day was especially muggy and hot, hot, hot; plus there was no breeze whatsoever. So, it's understandable that when you've got those conditions scents of all kind mingle, fester and remain static in the air.
But for some reason, in the Victorian Village, the sanitation system is not up to par. The entire surrounding blocks of where I was running smelled nauseating and like pure garbage. Vic Village is such a cute area of Columbus, it stinks...pun intended...that a person new to Columbus might just happen to walk around the area and be completely turned off of the Village, nevermind how charming the area is, simply due to the fact that the stench coming up from the sewers was overwhelming.

There's goign to be many more hot days in Ohio this summer no doubt. Is this something we can expect on the regular. Eeeewwwww. Does the city know how stinky it is over there? And with Com Fest here this weekend, and all kinds of people and the various smells that can bring along with food trucks and pets, like dogs, mixing the smells together with the trash cans...

I'm going to Com Fest, so hopefully it won't be so bad (and so humid). That'll will be a post of its own though. Stay tuned.

(pictures courtesy of SF Chronicle newspaper and


Friday, June 4, 2010

The Party is Over for Martini Park

On the way to work early the week of May 31st, I faintly heard the guys on WNCI 97.9 mention something about Martini Park closing.

I disregarded it as bunk, because it didn't make sense that a place as hoppin' as Martini Park would slam-shut their doors, pack up and flee the Easton Towne Center scene just like that (finger-snap).

Oh, but they did. And yes, Jimmy and Dave were right, though Martini Park wasn't "closing," they had ALREADY closed. It literally seemed to happen over night.

And it's a shame because the place (which uses the slogan "a playground for grownups") attracted an extremely age-diverse crowd, but really hit a sweet spot in the market for the "grown folks" -- the 30+ with kids set. And that's because very, very few night spots venture into that niche, so it was ripe for the taking.

Think about it, 1) just because you are married with (or without) children doesn't mean you shouldn't get to enjoy some weekend nights here and there 2) if this cohort does decide to head out for a night on the town, they most likely want to be around other individuals in the same phase of life as one wants to feel like a senior-citizen creeper who looks as though they're trying to relive their glory-days amongst people the same age as their kids. It's just as awkward for them as it is for the 20 somethings. And 3) if you are of the younger age group, you know you too will want to break out of the house every now and again, later on in life, and not have to feel like your social life is over just because you're 42. Plus, this bar/club was in the 'burbs...where most of that exact demographic lives.

Oddly, the Chicago location of this (I'm just now finding out--is a chain) bar has just as suddenly closed its doors. Martini Park had only been in Columbus since late 2008, and back when they came, the original location in Plano, TX disappeared?! My guess is, it has something to do with the chain (and its management) and nothing to do with Columbus, Easton or lack of business, because, as I said, from what I have heard, they always had people there for the food, drink specials, special events like costume parties and bachelorette shindigs, and most of all for the variety of live music and dancing.

Here's what has on the story.

So now, one of the key hot spots for the 30+ niche is gone. So where will all the grown folks go? Hey--that's a business venture right there.
