Friday, September 26, 2008

First Presidential Debate Watch Parties

Whatever side of the aisle you are sitting on you should go somewhere to watch the CNN Debates tonight. This morning, John McCain announced that he would go forward with the debates against Barack Obama tonight, so yes, they will be on and poppin'. Let's all watch and get more information from these candidates and learn more about them and their plans for our (slowly-declining) country. Arm yourself with truthful, fact-checkable knowledge going into the election on November 4th. And if you arent' registered to vote...what are you waiting for? It takes like 2 seconds, seriously. And if you aren't planning on voting (not including those who aren't able to, like non-citizens)....YOU'RE AN IDIOT!

Here's a list of places where they'll be a Watch Party gathering for your viewing pleasure:

North Franklin County Watch Party
Starts @ 5 p.m.
Northern Franklin County Obama Campaign Office
Hosted by Max Blachman
6066 Huntley Road

Mount Air/Worthington Hills Watch Party
Starts @ 8 p.m.
The Rusty Bucket Restaurant in
Olentangy Hills Shopping Center
Hosted by Greg Fess

Upper Arlington Debate Watch Party
Starts @ 7:30 p.m.
Arlington Banquets
1967 Henderson Rd.
Hosted by Melissa Hedden

Downtown Watch Party
Starts @ 8 p.m.
Urban Spirit Coffee House
893 E. Long St.
Hosted by Clifton Williams

Zanzibar Watch Party
Starts @ 9 p.m.
Zanzibar Brews
740 E. Long St.
Hosted by McCullough Williams

Dublin Pre-Debate Party and Watch Party
Starts @ 5:30 p.m.
Mary Kelley's Restaurant in Dublin off of 161 and Muirfield exit
Hosted by Lawrence Ambrosio

South Franklin County Phone Drive and Watch Party
Starts @ 7:30 p.m.
Southern Franklin County Obama Field HQ
193 E. Rich St., downtown
Hosted by Cameron Mongale

Ohio Obama Pride Watch Party
Starts @ 8:30 p.m.
East Villiage and Q Bar in Bexley
Hosted by James Winnett

OWU Student Watch Party
Starts @ 8 p.m.
Bene's Room at OWU (in Delaware, Oh)
61 S. Sandusky St.
Hosted by Bridget Fahey

Delaware Watch Party
Starts @ 7 p.m.
Delaware County Obama Campaign HQ
57 N. Sandusky St.
Hosted by Jenifer Burks and Laura Bowers

Pickerington Campaign For Change Party
Starts @ 8:30 p.m.
Pickerington Campaign For Change HQ
155 E. Columbus St. Suite 190
Hosted by Brian Neiser

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a very close debate. Both candidates had their strong moments...Obama started off strong but faded a little as the night bore on, and McCain started off really weak and lackluster but he got increasingly stronger. I don't know who I would say won.