Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm a modern-day Abolitionist, are you?

Every holiday season we look towards charities and non-profits to find ways to give back to the community, to a cause and to those in need.

My charity of choice this year (and forever more) is Love 146.

It was through my church that I became aware of this group, Pastor Rich at Vineyard Church off of Cooper Road in Westerville played this video:

If you do nothing else, please just watch this video.

All I had to do was watch this video and it became clear to me the absolute and utter need we have in this world at this time to reinstate abolitionism. Ironically, other news tidbits, reports, non-profits etc. keep popping up lately about the issue of human trafficking and sex slavery in my life. It's like every week I hear something new about this issue, an issue I was aware of in the past but wasn't as compelled to do something about/didn't see the direness in the situation. I really believe someone is trying to tell me something--they're trying to tell me this is the cause I should be supporting, and after watching that clip, visiting their website, and checking out their Blogger blog, I know this is what I want to devote my time to.

I am a modern-day abolitionist. I am going to do my part to make sure the atrocities of enslavement, particularly of women and children, is removed from the world. We worked too hard to rid our nation from slavery, and so I feel I can do my part by promoting slavery be abolished in other areas of the world.

ab·o·li·tion·ist n.
A reformer who advances the abolition of slavery

Child Sex Trafficking & Exploitation demands a movement of modern day Abolitionists.
Abolitionists work toward the abolition of Child Sex Trafficking & Exploitation - they become a voice for children unable to speak for themselves

  • Abolitionists Use Their Voices
  • Abolitionists Take Action

Abolitionists work toward the abolition of Child Sex Trafficking & Exploitation - they become a voice for children unable to speak for themselves

  • Abolitionists Use Their Voices
  • Abolitionists Take Action

There is a Facebook group dedicated to this organization, under the Causes section. You should join it and see what is on the message boards on there and chat with others about how we can begin to mend this problem. On there, I signed up for the cause and there was a petition that's being sent to President Obama to urge him to put pressure on governments that allow human trafficking to go unchecked in their countries to get them to stop it, and also, to work on the problem of it in our own country (tons of young women are sold into sex slavery in San Francisco and they're forced to live in and work at "massage" parlors and give "massages" when really they are being bought for sex).

Also, look up the name of a woman named Somali Mam. I first heard of her through Glamour magazine. She rescues young girls, some as young as 5, who've been sold into slavery and prostitution and puts them in safe homes...she escaped and is a former victim herself.


Anonymous said...

OMG this is so heart-wrenching! I am going to check this org out and donate. Thanks for letting me know about them!

Anonymous said...

WOW--I didn't realize it was THIS bad! We need to do something

Anonymous said...

This is so sad, but I'm glad Love146 is doing something about it. I'll do my best to help too